We are once again starting our annual VOTE-COPE drive!  VOTE-COPE is a very important part of NYSUT’s efforts to support pro-education and pro-labor issues.  In the past, VOTE-COPE money has:

-Rallying against the 2017 Constitutional Convention, which could have eliminated pensions altogether

-Fighting against aspects of APPR and standardized testing

This year, your VOTE-COPE money will go towards fixing Tier 6.

By law, none of your dues money can be used for political lobbying.  Hence, we need your help by donating to VOTE-COPE.

As a benefit of raising money via VOTE-COPE, the Sauquoit Valley Teachers’ Association can receive a rebate of up to 40% of the money that is donated by you.  So please, consider donating towards this cause.

Please fill out this form to contribute!